Dag A. Valand

Chief Executive Officer and Founder

Dag A. Valand is the CEO, Co-founder, and Board Chairman of WaveTech. Dag co-founded WaveTech with physicist Ove T. Aanensen in 2003 and has since served as its CEO.

Dag’s responsibilities entail creating and identifying opportunities for increased operational performance, integrating breakthrough developments, and adopting industry foresights that keep WaveTech abreast of advancing technology innovations.

Dag has a background in the battery industry with over 25 years’ international experience facilitating technology applications across a range of energy and commercial sectors. Since the inception of WaveTech, his focus on its R&D operations and technology deployments has achieved industry flexibility and a strong foothold in both traditional and emerging markets.

Over the years, Dag’s business initiatives have attracted highly qualified talent to the team and have made WaveTech a notable name in the R&D community and global industry.

Prior to WaveTech, Dag established a former company, which addressed the issue of battery degradation, after jumpstarting his career as 49% owner of the family business, where he was instrumental to its rapid growth and successful sale.